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OUR STORY begins with a Vietnamese family, The Vans, taking their chances and betting on their luck (with mother Mary and an angel in their boat) to flee Vietnam in 1983.  In a small boat, they sailed across the China Sea and the Indian Ocean in total fear but calmed by optimism.  With high hopes, they wanted to reach The United States of America – Land of Freedom and Opportunity, where you can start over with nothing and make something of yourself.  Wishful thinking aside, they first needed to touch on any form of land.  The Van's death-defying journey in the rough seas ended with being rescued by the French Navy and cared by the country of France.  Several years later, finally they were able to come to America; first living 5 years in Texas and then after, settling permanently in a fortuitous place, Portland, Oregon bringing along with them all their tasty, delicious, Vietnamese dishes – one of the most popular is phở.  The Van family loved phở so much that they opened their first very own PHƠ ̉VĂN Restaurant on December 1, 1992 and several others later.  Since then, many people travel near and far for their “PHƠ VĂN fix”.


OUR PHƠ ̉ VĂN  TRADITIONAL FOOD continues on with PHƠ ̉ VĂN  Fresh Vietnamese Kitchen where we focus on quality and flavorful Vietnamese food in a smaller easy to take-n-go or dine-in menu:  gỏi cuốn, gỏi, phở, bún bánh mì, (fresh rolls, salads, noodle soups, vermicelli & grill, sandwiches).  All your favorite Vietnamese dishes in a fun and casual eatery, where you order at the counter and our friendly staff serve it at your table.

At PHƠ ̉ VĂN  Fresh, we love to serve you –

whether you are on the go, meeting friends, or want to take your own sweet time dining in.


PHO VAN FRESH // 1012 NW Glisan Portland, OR 97209  //  503-248-2172 //


Open  Mon - Sat  11 am - 8 pm 

Closed Sunday


Pho Van Fresh © 2015

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